PoliMi, as EPC RECAST team member, has recently published 2 articles about EPC RECAST’s monitoring strategies and approaches for the residential sector related to Energy Performance Assessment and Certification processes. Long-Term Monitoring Strategies for Increasing EPCs Reliability (MDPI ink, PDF) This publication has been presented at Sustainable Places 2021, Rome, Italy (29 September – 1 October 2021) and is included …
Jana Bendžalová, ENBEE, promoted EPC RECAST project at the ‘Heating 2022′ flagship conference in Slovakia during 14-18 February 2022 organized, sponsored and endorsed by the main building professionals organizations (including SSTP, the Slovak REHVA Member Association), industry stakeholders and energy agencies. Jana co-authored an article with Johann Zirngibl, CSTB, included in the conference’s proceeding and made a presentation promoting EPC …
On Thursday 27 May 2021 Marta Maria Sesana from POLIMI presented EPC RECAST during a webinar organised by EuroACE on the EPBD and dynamic tools for boosting energy renovations. PC 2.0: Dynamic tools and approaches for ambitious energy renovations Thursday 27 May 2021 Presentations: How to deliver user-friendly EPC to consumers? – Guillaume JOLY, The …
Jana Bendžalová, ENBEE, promoted EPC RECAST project at the ‘Heating 2022′ flagship conference in Slovakia during 14-18 February 2022 organized, sponsored and endorsed by the main building professionals organizations (including SSTP, the Slovak REHVA Member Association), industry stakeholders and energy agencies. Jana co-authored an article with Johann Zirngibl, CSTB, included in the conference’s proceeding and made …
The EPC RECAST methodology & toolbox was presented at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Concerted Action on Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) on the 9th of December 2021, which is regularly organised between Member States to share experience and knowledge exchange on the implementation of the EPBD. EPC RECAST was invited by the representatives …
Project coordinators CSTB were present at the Intelligent Buildings System (IBS) Exhibition 2021 in Paris on 20 – 21 October on behalf of EPC RECAST. With around 5,200 the event brought together French building stakeholders to discuss and present the latest innovations on smart buildings. EPC RECAST was promoted in a special dedicated booth alongside …
On 13 December the R2M team participated in the second Regional Exploitation Boards (REB) – South-Western Countries Meeting as part of our sister project ePANACEA. During this workshop, the ePANACEA presented their recommendations on key indicators to address within the EPCs of the future based on interviews and workshops with end-users performed in the past months. These insights …
Last December the 1st, 2021 the EPC RECAST project, via the R2M Solution team, was pleased to represent the NextGen EPC Cluster at Enlit Europe, Milan (Italy). Enlit Europe is quite a well-known, collaborative community that aims to bring together stakeholders from across the energy sector, with the goal to work together on innovative solutions, increasing their uptake. …
REHVA, BPIE, FEDARENE and Sympraxis Team, hosted by the BuildUp Portal, brought together key actors from the Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates for buildings Horizon 2020 cluster of projects for a lively and informative moderated panel discussion between the project’s representatives with 2 prior short ‘setting the scene’ keynotes from DG ENER and BPIE to benefit all EPBD stakeholders, with a …
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