D1.5 (Data acquisition protocol for the geometry and semantics within the onsite visit – Consolidated)
is part of Work Package 1 (Methodology and protocol definition), specifically Task 1.2 (Capturing the
building geometry and semantics). This task aims at defining the data acquisition technique as part of
an EPC visit.
This task connects image capture and processing technologies, combined with semantic enrichment,
in order to fulfill an appropriate DM – Data Model (see T1.1) in the context of EPC.
In this deliverable we provide a process for acquiring the DM using innovative 3D and AR (Augmented
Reality) technology to capture volumes and plans and enrich the data with pictorial (photo) and
structured (Technical) information at individual housing scale. The process of 3D scanning by drone is
also introduced to provide geometric and thermographic information at building scale.According to
the grant agreement, we can identify two separate actions to be carried out as part of this task:
➢ Provide a tool for capturing geometric data
➢ Enrich the metric acquisition with additional information provided by the auditor during his
visit. This information will make it possible to qualify information from other generics (air
quality, temperature level recorded …) or descriptive information (semantic information to
objects, state, performance …)