EPC recast

User Centric Indicators and recommendation tool

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The EPC RECAST project is focused on developing a transparent, common, and explicit data model
(i.e., input data to be collected for EPC assessments and calculations) which will support the
characterization of existing buildings and dwellings during on-site inspections by professional certifiers
and improve the comparability between Energy Performance Certificates.
These Energy Performance Certification (EPC) schemes have stood in the past as one of the most
important sources of knowledge on the energy performance (EP) of the European building stock.
However, there are still several barriers to overcome towards a widely supported and successful
implementation of the EPCs as effective tools to support the revised EPBD [1].
By involving end-users in multiple steps throughout design phase of the next generation EPCs, the
project aims to provide an easier understanding of the energy performance results and contextspecific
renovation roadmaps, introducing a next generation of user-centred EPCs to value buildings
in a holistic and cost-effective manner.
This deliverable describes part of the activities of the WP2, titled “Technical development and
integration”, in which, according to the Grant Agreement (GA), existing and proven technology
components are going to be combined with the well-structured methodologies and protocols deriving
from WP1 activities, based on the three phases of the EPC RECAST certification, which are as follows:
• building information capture and model input collection;
• energy performance evaluation based on real-world and reliable energy model;
• delivery of user-friendly EPC UCIs and renovation roadmap.

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