The EPC RECAST project successfully concluded in 2024. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the partners whose contributions made this journey a success. We are proud of the project’s outcomes, and all deliverables are now available for access. Be sure to check out our latest video showcasing the project’s key results. For further information, …
This task sets up a Policy Advisory Board (PAB) that will be involved at key milestones of the project in order to gather constructive feedback and guidance for the technical activities conducted in EPC RECAST. The board is formed by experts from key decision-making public and local authorities involved in the definition and implementation of …
Deliverable D5.4 provides the minutes of the 3rd PAB workshop held in Brussels on May 24th, 2024. The major aim of this meeting was to present results and to gather constructive feedback and guidance for the activities conducted in the EPC RECAST project. Available here.
This policy recommendation report is based on the work carried out by the EPC RECAST Consortium under CSTB’s coordination (project coordinators) in Task 5.3 “Provision of recommendations for an EU-wide framework for the next generation EPC”. It contributes to “paving the way” for an EU-wide deployment of next-generation EPCs. Available here.
The EPC RECAST toolbox, integrates existing and proven technology components provided by the EPC RECAST team members into a Common Data Environment (CDE). The aim of the toolbox is on one hand to facilitate the demonstration of the validity of the EPC RECAST methodology on the pilot sites (6 different European countries) and on the …
Two partners of the EPC RECAST, Ing. Jana Bendžalová (ENBEE), PhD., Johann Zirngibl (CSTB), wrote an article in the TECHNICKÉ ZARIADENIA BUDOV (in slovak) on the New Generation EPC. In December 2021, the European Commission published a proposal for a recast of the Energy performance of buildings Directive (2021/0426 (COD) as part of the second Fit …
The event took place 28th of September 2022 | 14:00-15:30 CET | Hybrid event Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) play an instrumental role in attaining a digitally transformed, healthy, safe, affordable, efficient, flexible and zero-emission EU building stock fit for ongoing building performance optimization. At this event we highlighted the challenges and solutions of the …
EPC RECAST has been published in Enlit’s projects directory Enlit is a constantly growing, inclusive and end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda and connecting people driving the energy transition. In collaboration with European Commission, Enlit gives a platform to a big range of projects which are the first in line of …
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