On 13 December the R2M team participated in the second Regional Exploitation Boards (REB) – South-Western Countries Meeting as part of our sister project ePANACEA.
During this workshop, the ePANACEA presented their recommendations on key indicators to address within the EPCs of the future based on interviews and workshops with end-users performed in the past months.
These insights were openly discussed with other sister projects, as well as several stakeholders coming from Spain, Italy and Malta (engineers and EPC assessors, researchers and ESCOs), in light of their expertise.
On behalf of EPC RECAST, represented by the R2M Team in the role of Exploitation Manager in the project, insights to the discussions were provided, also via a list of questions on the Mural platform, based on the outcomes derived by our project and the ongoing EPC RECAST Market Analysis.
As a consortium, we highly welcome these opportunities of cross-fertilization with sister projects and other EPC experts to learn together, for a stronger convergence on and uptake of the EPCs across Europe.