EPC recast

EPC RECAST @ 53rd AiCARR International Conference March 14th 2024

Graziano Salvalai, our partner from the Politecnico di Milano,  participated in the 53 AiCARR Conference’s session: “From NZEB to ZEB: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Buildings“.  Graziano gave a presentation titled “New Generation Energy Performance Certificate: A Case Study in Italy as an EU Prototype” He provided an engaging narrative on cutting-edge strategies for enhancing energy efficiency of the EPC RECAST project. The presentation focused on the outcomes of the project, offering valuable insights into its tangible results. However, the highlight of his talk was the in-depth exploration of methodologies applied in pilot projects, along with the data collection processes. Through his detailed overview, Salvalai underscored the practical significance of the project’s methodologies.

Find below the presentation and discover more about the final results of the project:

AiCARR 53rd Conference Presentation


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