EPC recast

EPC RECAST website and social media accounts

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The following document describes the development process of the EPC RECAST website, both the initial
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) website (https://epcrecast.wordpress.com/) as the launch of the full CMS
(Content Management System) website (https://epc-recast.eu/). The MVP website was launched in M5
(January 2021) to act as the temporary interface for crucial information on the project for stakeholders and
the wider public, while the website provider had the opportunity to both fully integrate the visual identity
package (D6.09) and deliver a high-quality website with all the needed functionalities and requirements. The
full CMS website (https://epc-recast.eu/) was launched in M9 (May 2021) which will allow the consortium
to further leverage future communication and dissemination activities, as well as provide a place for
stakeholders to access capacity-building materials and expert Energy Performance Certification insights
throughout the implementation of the project and in its afterlife.
Since M4 (December 2020) the project has also setup social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and
Facebook through which it has been communicating to and enlarging its stakeholder community.

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