EPC recast

Closed workshops with public authorities & industrial stakeholders

One of the unique and key components of the EPC RECAST project to make EPCs more user-friendly and reliable to use for end-users, is its approach to involve public authorities and industrial stakeholders in shaping a new generation of EPCs. The project partners, under guidance of Fraunhofer IBP, have setup two “Guiding Boards” through which it aims to receive direct, constructive feedback from different target groups on the technical activities within the project.

The first board that was setup is the Policy Advisors Board (PAB) in which the consortium partners have invited experts from public and local authorities (e.g. government organisations, national or regional energy agencies, accreditation bodies, …) from the member states represented within the EPC RECAST consortium. The first PAB workshop took place on 29 June 2021, with representatives from Italy (ENEA), Germany (dena eV & BBSR), France (ADEME) and Slovakia (MDV SRSIEA). The representatives gave feedback on the EPC RECAST approach as well as what the necessary components are to be added into EPCs and what indicators could be added into their national EPC schemes.

In parallel the second board was setup as the Stakeholder Mirror Group (SMG) which gathers industry stakeholders whose work is related to the data acquisition and issuing of EPCs to exploit them in the different real estate markets or contributing with major building components to the energy performance of buildings. The workshop was attended by representatives from BuVEG, UIPI, EURIMA, EuroACE, EBC, APPLiA and EVIA. The SMG workshop took place on 29 June as well and the industry stakeholders were asked how they say the future evolution of EPCs and what would be needed to meet their expectations on EPCs to make it as useful as possible for them.

EPC RECAST will keep the public authorities and stakeholders in a continuous feedback loop and new workshops will be planned in 2022 and 2023 to update them on the progress of the project and how the outcomes can be best used for them.

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