EPC recast

EuroACE – EPBD Webinar Series

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On Thursday 27 May 2021 Marta Maria Sesana from POLIMI presented EPC RECAST during a webinar organised by EuroACE on the EPBD and dynamic tools for boosting energy renovations.


PC 2.0: Dynamic tools and approaches for ambitious energy renovations
Thursday 27 May 2021


How to deliver user-friendly EPC to consumers? – Guillaume JOLY, The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)

Next Generation EPCs: boosting quality and convergence of EPCs towards deeper renovations – Maike VENJAKOB on behalf of QualDeEPC

How to link EPC with building renovation passports and digital logbooks – Marta Maria SESANA on behalf of EPC-RECAST

Creating an EU framework for Building Renovation Passports: what are the needed elements? – Marion JAMMET, Irish Green Building Council

Creating an EU framework for Digital Building Logbooks: what are the needed elements? – Sophie DOURLENS-QUARANTA, R2M Solution

Watch the recording here.

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