EPC recast

Publication: ‘New generation of the Energy Performance Certificate’ by Jana Bendžalová and Johann Zirngibl

Jana Bendžalová, ENBEE, promoted EPC RECAST project at the ‘Heating 2022′ flagship conference in Slovakia during 14-18 February 2022 organized, sponsored and endorsed by the main building professionals organizations (including SSTP, the Slovak REHVA Member Association), industry stakeholders and energy agencies.

Jana co-authored an article with Johann Zirngibl, CSTB, included in the conference’s proceeding and made a presentation promoting EPC RECAST together with comments on proposal for EPBD revision and Slovak context.

Download the paper proceeding on “New generation of the Energy Performance Certificate” here.

The revision of the EPBD is part of the whole package of new legislative acts of EU. Significant changes are
made in the revised EPB Directive draft (December 2021) impacting the energy performance certificates. Energy
performance certificates (EPC) are referenced for green finance in the EU Taxonomy and as a support for public
funding in the Member States. The draft EPBD revision still allows different choices and possible interpretations.
In this article the changes are explained and the impact of possible interpretation on the energy performance
indicator are analysed.
A table reporting the main possible choices has been developed in the EPC RECAST project. The aim of the EPC
RECAST project is to support EPBD by indicators, tools and protocols for more reliable EPCs.

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