EPC recast

Recording workshop: Building EPCerts: The enabler SRI – Sustainable Places 2021

This 180-minute hybrid workshop, as integral part of the Sustainable Places 2021 conference, was set against the backdrop of the ongoing Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) implementation and further development (future-proofing) at both EU and national levels.     This 180-minute hybrid workshop, as integral part of the Sustainable Places 2021 conference, was set against the backdrop of the ongoing Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) implementation and further development (future-proofing) at both EU and national levels (more details in this REHVA Journal article). The members of the Next Gen EPCerts H2020 cluster joined forces with the SmartBuilt4EU team with the main scope of providing support to the European Commission services (& contractors) and the EU’s Member States in the upcoming SRI national testing and the ongoing development of the SRI method C (in-use smart performance – quantitative assessment), and possibly other (e.g. ensure an energy performance of buildings (EPB) coherence framework for all instruments to flawlessly work together energy performance certificates (EPCs), Digital Building Logbooks, Renovation Roadmaps & Passports, Level(s)…). The main goal was to ensure an open co-creation process maximizing quality, relevance, utility and effectiveness while avoiding reinventing the wheel and ensure a coordinated and convergent approach. Such an approach would greatly support the digital transformation of the EU’s building stock which in turn will enable and facilitate to arrive by 2050 at healthy, safe, efficient, flexible and sustainable (carbon neutral) buildings for the people.   The main expected outcome, in addition to the event report in MDPI AG Proceedings, was to leverage to the benefit of EU’s climate and energy goals the ongoing coordination, support and innovation actions in the next steps of the SRI’s implementation and further development and the way it will be weaved in the package of instruments (EPCs, etc.).  

Programme (indicative timing)

  • (5 min) Welcome & introduction by Andrei Lițiu, REHVA & chair of SRI Topical Group C
  • (5 min) Introduction by Bonnie Brook, smartEn & co-chair SRI Topical Group C
  • (10 min) Policy keynote by Sylvain Robert, DG ENER / CINEA
  • (20 min) Setting the scene keynote 1 SmartBuilt4EU by Alain Zarli & Alexis David, ECTP
  • (10 min) Setting the scene keynote 2 SRI support team by Stijn Verbeke, VITO
  • (10 min) SRI national testing & outlook in AT by Robert Stadler, Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering
  • (10 min) SRI national testing & outlook in DK by Allan Hansen, Danish Energy Agency
  • (10 min) SRI national testing & outlook in FR by Nicolas Cabassud, CEREMA
  • (10 min) SRI national testing & outlook in IT by Biagio Di Pietra, ENEA
  • (85 min) Panel discussion + Q&A from the audience moderated by Stijn Verbeke
    • 11 representatives Next Gen EPCerts H2020 cluster
    • QualDeEPC by Maike Venjakob
    • U-CERT by Andrei Lițiu
    • X-tendo by Maarten de Groote
    • D^2EPC by Christiana Panteli
    • E-DYCE by Michal Zbigniew Pomianowski
    • ePANACEA by María Fernández Boneta
    • EPC RECAST by Sylvain Kubicki
    • crossCert by David Jenkins
    • EUB Super Hub by Peter Gyuris
    • iBRoad2EPC by Alexander Deliyannis
    • TIMEPAC by Boris Sucic
  • (5 min) Closing remarks and next steps by Andrei Lițiu
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