EPC recast

Deep Renovation of buildings: what Energy Performance Certificates can do

Start date:2022-11-15
Location:Rue Washington 40, 1050 Ixelles
End date:

How increasing the quality of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes can accelerate deep renovation of buildings? Join the final conference of QualDeEPC to discover the new template, tools developed and policy recommendations.

PhD Eng. Jana Bendžalová, Executive manager, researcher at ENBEE, partner of EPC RECAST, will have the honour to represent the EPC RECAST project during the Next Gen EPC cluster panel discussion.

There is room for improvement in energy savings in the building sector, mainly through refurbishing Europe’s existing building stock. Amongst the measures introduced in the EU to boost energy savings is Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), providing buildings and owners with an incentive to invest in improving energy efficiency. In addition to improving the practical implementation of the assessment, issuance, design, and use of EPCs, QualDeEPC has focused on deep renovation recommendations.

All the progress made since the start of the project in 2019 has kept the deep renovation measures at its core. How can increasing the quality of EPC schemes accelerate the deep renovation of buildings? Join the final conference of QualDeEPC to discover the new EPC template, tools developed, and policy recommendations. On this occasion, participants will also meet representatives of the Next Gen EPCerts H2020 cluster which is the hub of the H2020 projects working on EPC.

Draft Agenda

12:00 – 13:30 Networking welcoming lunch
13:30 – 13:40 Introduction of QualDeEPC: How and why we selected our 7 development priorities
Angelina Tomova, EAP
13:40 – 14:00 Policy recommendations for deep renovation – how could EPC-related articles in the EPBD be further improved?
Stefan Thomas, WI
14:00 – 14:15 Energy Performance Certification in the European policy context: what role should they have?
Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
14:15 – 14:30 The role of Member States in building certification policy
14:30 – 15:00 Panel Discussion 1
Deep Renovation in Europe, how to accelerate its share and the role of EPCs.
Animated by Åsa Wahlström, CIT Energy Management
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee break
15:20 – 15:40 Online tools, existing and new, and Deep Renovation Network Platforms
Effie Korma, CRES and Margarita Puente, ESCAN
15:40 – 16:00 EPC template for deep renovation; Results of testing and surveys
Peter Pannier, DENA and Gatis Žogla, Ekodoma
16:00 – 16:10 Energy performance certificates in EU projects: overview, new projects starting and LIFE CET calls
16:10 – 16:55 Panel discussion 2:
How can the projects of the Next Gen EPCs cluster use QualDeEPC’s results to carry enhancements further?
Animated by Miklós Horváth, Budapest university
16:55 – 17:00 Closing remarks
Pau Garcia Audi, DG ENER


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